74 Days To Go - Bumping Up The Exercise To Put Down Some Weight

Another mini-chunk down! 

It's been about one quarter of the way through my 100 day journey. 
How's it going so far?  I've been sticking with my plan, but I still haven't dropped any weight from my original amount.  In fact, even though I did lose weight in these 10 days, I'm still above my starting weight 26 days ago.  This sucks. 

 Here's what I've been working on these last 10 days:

10 Day WindowADD:DROP:REPLACE with:
April 20 - 29Daily prayer and/or positive affirmationsChips & FriesWhole wheat crackers and/or lettuce wraps

And here's how I did!

20212223242526272829Need for 10-day period
Meatless Diet



3 days

total 90 minutes
No Chips/Fries~XXXXXXXXXevery day

I've been working on praying more often, so this was a good opportunity for me to make SURE that I had purposeful conversations with the Lord every day, which I want to be routine and automatic.  Of course, my days have been better as I have felt more connected to Him and therefore, to myself.  That was definitely most beneficial.

As far as the "Drop" part...  It's funny to me that when I chose this one, I put it at the beginning of the challenge, because I really truly believed that saying no to chips and fries would be easy since I "rarely ate them anyway."  I was surprised to find out just how often I have been used to eating them.

 Day 1 - I had an event at school where every few weeks we show off our projects to the class, and I call it a "Popcorn Showcase" since we always have popcorn in addition to something else I throw in there (chocolate, cookies, lollipops, etc.) and this week I had also added chips.  We were showing off our projects when I looked down, noticed I had already started on a handful of potato chips, and put them down mid bite.  I counted this as a win for the day, because I really did not intentionally eat any chips and because I had the willpower to refuse the rest. 

Day 2 - We make "taco salad" in our house with spinach, taco meat and sauce, shredded cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and crushed Doritos chips on top.  I had to quickly remember to adjust my portion since I couldn't have the chips.  I even thought, "well, maybe I'll make regular tacos since I really like having the crunch" until I realized that a taco shell is just one giant CHIP!

Day 3 - Was a crazy day in which I hadn't eaten dinner and my husband was on his way home from work.  He was stopping by Sonic and asked me if he'd like me to pick up something.  I did let him get a burger, but made sure that I wouldn't get any of the usual fries that I would normally have with them. 

And it continued like that for most of the rest of the 10 days.  I hadn't realized how dependent again that I'd become on fries with a drive-thru meal (which I'm having MUCH more often again) or chips at home.  So it's been good for me to notice my dependence and try to break it. 

As far as exercise, between my feet giving me lots of problems and my HUGE end of the year concert at work, the week was crazy.  I managed to get 10 minutes of exercise in mid-chunk, but I also knew that April 28th (concert day) I would get more than enough. 

I had several hours of loading tons of equipment for the band, chorus, orchestra, and guitar into a UHaul, then driving and unloading it at the site, walking up and down a giant hill countless times, and, after the event, loading and unloading it all again to get it back to the school.  We started working at 12:30 pm and finally finished at 9:30 pm.  It was exhausting!

I counted 2 hours of actual exercise out of the over 3 hours of sweat time, just because I know there were a few breaks of standing here and there in between. 

Moving into this next 10 day chunk looks like this:

10 Day WindowADD:DROP:REPLACE with:
April 30 - May 9Exercise - Increase to 130 minutes/10 daysTry to maintain previous Drop/Replace goals while concentrating on this increase in exercise

It's appropriate that this is my goal, because this is where I am most lacking.  I know that getting more hard exercise will help me burn more calories, build more calorie-eating muscles, and drink way more water.  If you know me, or live near me, invite me for a workout.  :)


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