Day 50 - Shake It Up To Shake Things Up

If you've been following me along this journey (50 days so far!) I've mentioned Shakeology to you a few times, and I told you I'd explain more on a later post, and that post is HERE!  Now, before I get started, I do want to go ahead and tell you right away, that I AM a Team Beachbody Coach and I DO SELL this stuff.  Don't stop reading!  This is no ad.

Don't like this sort of stuff?  To each his own!
Never gonna buy it?  Cool with me!
Have a friend who's a coach, so IF you bought it, you'd buy it from him/her?  Awesome!

This blog has been a journey through MY failures and successes - and I'm just sharing my story.

So, one of my best, best friends is a Beachbody Coach, and she convinced me to try this stuff.  And I was COMPLETELY skeptical.  I've had it all - Slim Fast shakes back in college (hello, chalky texture!), Carnation instant breakfast (shook a whole bottle of that stuff into a brand new laptop and ruined it - there's some memories!), Special-K shakes (which made me starving not only while I was drinking them, but then stayed hungry all the way until the next meal) - you name it.  But she told me that she was SURE I'd love them, and that even if I didn't, there was a 30 Day bottom of the bag guarantee for ALL of my money back, so that was enough to convince me to give it a go. 

OKAY, so here's the deal.  You can do this anywhere from super simple (shake one scoop with cold water, shake and chug) all the way to creating crazy concoctions of frozen fruits and even veggies, almond milk, boosters, etc.

Here's my favorite way:

8-9 ice cubes
1/2 banana
1 cup of water
1 generous scoop of peanut butter
1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology

I blend that up in my NutriBullet into a consistency of a melty Wendy's Frosty.  I know, I mentioned Frosty when speaking about something healthy - daring, huh?  But one of Shakeology's biggest claims is that it "acts like a salad but tastes like a dessert."  I thought that would be the biggest load of BS imaginable.  I was blown away when the first time I had it, I accidentally made it too thick, and had it to eat it with a spoon, and the Wendy's Frosty is actually what it most reminded me of - it really is delicious.  

So it tastes great, blah blah blah - here's the important part.  This shake reduces cravings, promotes weight loss, aids digestion (I mean, it really really does),  increases your energy, supports your immune system, is nutrient dense (includes over 70 superfoods and REPLACES your multivitamin!), and supports your cardiovascular health.  For me, I've also noticed that I don't have such dry skin, and my hair and nails are less brittle.  I mean, look at how much FOOD you'd have to eat to get the same amount of nutrients as ONE GLASS of Shakeology???  I'm not a pill person, so the fact that this replaced me having to take (and pay for) my multivitamin alone was a huge benefit. 

The price.  Some people gasp when hearing, at first, of the $4 per shake price.  But honestly, what do you spend on a meal of food and drink?  This is really designed to REPLACE a meal, not just tide you over long enough until you cave in and gorge in between meals.  (Remember, you aren't buying multivitamins anymore either!)  Plus, think of the cost savings IF you are someone (I'm not a doctor) who can go off of a bunch of your meds after regularly drinking this stuff? (I've heard of MANY that do).  My husband, mother, and father-in-law all drink this too and have the same results. I decided to join Team Beachbody as a coach to get the discounted rate, which brought the price of each "meal" down by $1, and I haven't looked back. Not to mention, by being a coach (which I NEVER have to sell a thing, there are no cancellation fees, etc etc - we can talk if you're interested let's not make this blog any longer) each person that is on Shakeology too earns me $32 a month!  

I can't say enough about this stuff.  I may not have dropped a ton of weight so far, but I absolutely credit Shakeology to the fact that I haven't been gaining weight, especially being the cookie monster that I am and all of the fast food and sweets that I have been consuming (try though I may to avoid them).  I FEEL a million times better than I used to be, and I'm not getting sick as often.  I strongly encourage you to consider giving it a try.  I've never had ANYONE actually return it for their money back, but the company is fantastic and won't give you any hassle about it.  Again, NOT trying to sell you (I don't care if you purchase it through me or not!) but I just had to share how amazing this stuff is.  If I had any idea that this was out on the market, I would have started drinking it years ago! Of course, if you'd like to talk more to me about this, please comment below or send me an email at and we'll chat.  I have videos, pamphlets and any other documentation you would need or can think of and I'd be happy to help.  :)


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