Day 23 - Daring To Fast Like Daniel

In combination with my New Year's Resolution, my church has entered its theme of "Reset 2017," and in church this past Sunday, our pastor spoke about the Daniel Fast.  This is more than just a "cleanse" or a "detox" because it's not only for physical health, but for mental and spiritual health as well.

The Bible mentions two fasts in the Book of Daniel - Chapter 1 speaks of a fast that is a period of 10 days, and Chapter 10 speaks of a 21 day fast, BOTH in which diet should consist mainly of just vegetables and water (other things are allowed: "pulse" references food from seed, but no meats, no dairy, etc).  The second main component of the Daniel Fast is that it must be done in combination with regular prayer.  The outcome one should expect is to make big, powerful change in your life and that you will receive great blessings from God.

These fasts are mentioned in the Book of Daniel, but didn't have a specific name.  Over the years, they have been commonly referred to as "The Daniel Fast."  My husband and I decided that, together, we will start a 10 day Daniel fast - TONIGHT!

AAAAAAAHHHHH!  What was I thinking???  I can't do this, can I?  It's too hard, I'm just going to fail like I always do.....  wait a minute, this is the point.  It's SUPPOSED to be hard.  I'm supposed to be tempted to fail, but it's the prayer component that is different.  I am trusting God to give me strength, to bless me with RESOLVE.  I can't do this.  God CAN do this THROUGH me.

It's gonna be ok!

This is the first step in my New Year's Resolution.  I've been specific with my goals, I've made a plan, and now I'm going to have determination.  Grocery shopping is going down right after work, and it all starts at dinner tonight.  Wish me luck!  Now off to my last pre-fast kickoff celebratory meal...  Dad brought me lunch from McDonald's!

Here is a great link if you are looking for more information about the Daniel Fast:


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