Day 45 - Eating With The End In Mind

I didn't mean for today's post title to sound so morbid.  I guess, I mean in some way, the food choices I make today should be in consideration of what I want my ultimate long game, until death, to be - true, but I was thinking a little more short-term than that.

Through these last 45 days, I feel that I've been able to make a bunch more healthy choices that are going to be little steps toward the goals that I've set out.  I've learned enough about myself to know that I can't make big, drastic, permanent changes and stick with them. I need to just do better today than I did yesterday, last week, last month, last year.

Today, I gave in to a diet soda, and I even ended the day with a donut.  How can that be healthy choices that I'm proud of?  Because I said "no" to a hell of a lot more.  I said no to many things from which I used to say yes, yes, yes, yes, and STILL have the diet soda and a donut.  So while my weight, going down slowly as it is, might not be dropping super fast, I'm also not gaining any more weight.  That's a much bigger deal than people realize.  If left to our own devices, most of us would put on (from what I found through a little research online) 8 pounds per year.

Anyways, let's get back to my "no" moments today!  I wanted to stop at McDonalds for breakfast because I had extra time this morning, and I wanted a GIANT soda and a few other things.  I said "no" and compromised on a small drink and a sausage mcmuffin.   I got to work, and decided I was still hungry, and wanted to look through my work stash for something else to munch on, but I said "no" and got on with my day.  I brought healthy food for lunch, but was tempted to go get an extra snack from the vending machine, but said "no" that I could wait to grab a healthy snack at home after work. I went, after work, to the grocery store - jackpot of "no's" here!  "No" to the cookie aisle I walked down, "no" to the bakery goodies I actually picked up and put down (Martin's chocolate pies are so delicious...), "no" to the candy at the check out lane. I came home, hungry and exhausted, and said "no" to asking my husband to pick up some food for me on his way home since I was wrapped up in work stuff, and instead, made a yogurt/strawberries/granola bowl, had half a serving of tomato soup, and made my chocolate, peanut butter, banana Shakeology.

The "no's" aren't important because I'm depriving myself.  That's what I used to think I was doing.  I understand, now, that the "no's" are there to help become the "me" of my tomorrow.  I'm eating with the end in mind.  That meant, that each time I wanted something for NOW, I thought of something I wanted more for later.  I have a few big trips coming up, and I want to look and feel better on those trips.  

So each "no" I had today, I thought about my upcoming trip to Seattle to see my newborn "nephew" (one of my best friends is in labor RIGHT NOW!).  I thought about my trip this summer to Nashville for Beachbody's Coach Summit, where I want to have progress to show from the prior year since I last attended.  I thought about my family trip up north to family and friends this summer for a family wedding and to visit, where I wanted to wear shorts (and for heaven's sake, maybe even a bathing suit!) with more confidence.  And I thought about the Disney Cruise next year that we'll be attending, taking our kids for their first Disney experience - the biggest family vacation that my kids will have for a long time, and how I want pictures that don't make me wince - memories I can be happy about and proud of forever.  Eating with the end in mind brought me confidence, determination, and will power on those choices today.  Bonus points - after all that, I didn't feel all that bad, eating a donut for the day's dessert.  It was a conscious choice that I considered, and decided was worth it, and it was!


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