Day 29 - Why It's OK To Feel Like I'm One Drink of Water Away From Exploding

It has been about a week now that I have been only allowed to drink WATER, so obviously my body has had much more of it than it's used to.  That's a pretty big change for this girl, who normally has a day of beverages consisting of (in this order) - coffee, diet soda, diet soda, coffee, diet soda, wine.  Oh yeah maybe there was a glass of crystal light in there somewhere...

After a few days of drinking ONLY WATER (gasp!), I actually started feeling thirsty, often, and instead of only feeling like a soda could quench that thirst I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy drinking water, for the first time.  I guess that's what depriving yourself of all other options will do...

I'm starting a challenge group at work where we all log our exercise and I post weekly challenges, and since I've gotten a jump on this water thing, I thought that would be a good overall theme for this week - DRINK MORE WATER. 

I'm sure it's pretty obvious to you that drinking water is not only healthy for you, but vital to the life of your body, but many people don't know just how important it is.  I've known it, I just haven't done it.  Another part of that resolution... baby steps for real change, eh? 

"They" say that you should drink half your weight in ounces of water each day.  Well, I'm not ashamed to admit my weight of 200 pounds (okay, I have some weight to lose, yes, but I'm also built really dense so I do weigh more than I look) and 100 ounces of water is A CRAP-TON OF WATER! 

Not to mention, that drinking water makes you pee like crazy!   I was really thankful that it was a snow day today, because there's no way I could have made it all the way through ANY of my three classes I teach each day without at least two bathroom breaks.  People say that gets better, but it's hard to believe.  I guess we will see!  I am about 60 oz. in so far and it's 6pm - yikes.  Looks like I'll be getting up several times in the middle of the night...

It's also hard to imagine that drinking so much water is actually doing anything helpful, when you feel like you drink it and then all of a sudden there it goes, flying out of your body at high speeds after you raced to get into a bathroom in time, but we really do need a lot to be for our bodies to run successfully!  Don't believe me?  Google it.  This is a blog, I'm not listing a whole ton of articles for you to read.  :) 

This week, I'm going to be chatting about WHEN to drink water to maximize the health benefits (yes, this does matter) and even some special things to be doing WITH your water to improve your body as well - things like temperature, infusions, and all sorts of other good stuff!  Stay tuned...


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