Day 4 - 17 Year Reflection

Today was the day of my concert, and calories don't count in concert days (it's a rule I made up that I'd like to believe is true) so I'm not going to school all about my indulgences. That's part of living 80/20 - have you heard those principals?  One is that a healthy way of living is to make healthy choices 80% of the time and to have indulgences 20% of the day, and I planned for today to be a 20% day, for sure (which I actually didn't do all that bad!)  I still had my shake so I was good to go as far as cravings were concerned, and even turned down the free dessert bar....WHAAAAT?!?!

For spirit week at work/school this week, we had Throwback Thursday, to which I wore my high school letterman jacket.  So, for fun, I found a picture of myself wearing it (I think this was the fall of my sophomore year) and took a picture today.  Here they are:

It's funny because, shockingly, I prefer not only the picture of who I am today, but also the person.  This past summer I attended a conference for Team Beachbody, many sessions in which the top coaches and super trainers (like Shaun T for example) stressed being "who you are" for which I had no answer.  I felt like I had no identity or uniqueness.  Since then, I've been working to discover it, and it's funny, because I feel that looking at the picture on the right, I know this person so much better.  She's been through much more, but also knows how she's grown, and how she's become an even better person. She is unique, and strong, and talented, and smart, and caring, and many other things that the girl on the left was just starting to figure out.  And after all the struggle with weight and appearance these last...15 years?... I even rather the appearance of the one on the right, because although both pictures show happiness and confidence, I just believe her more.  It's interesting to look at myself this way, after how many years I've been obsessing about looking like I used to.  Granted, this is just a head shot - we have a LOT more to  work on and talk about elsewhere, haha, but feels good nonetheless. 


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