Day 76 - I Have A Fever... And The Only Cure Is More Girl Scout Cookies

These last two weeks, our house has been a petri dish of nasty germs.  Living in a house where my husband and I are both teachers in different school systems, my son is in an elementary school, and my daughter goes to a daycare, means that we come home with four different sets of "gross" on a daily basis, so when one of us goes down, the others are likely to follow. 

But this time has been different, because we've all been catching DIFFERENT things, which blows my mind.  Just when you think life is crazy, add something in like sickness and it shows you just how good you had it before when you were already complaining.  Keeping in that mindset of "someone else always has it worse than you do" I'm also reminded that "health is not valued until sickness comes." 

To weeks ago, my got the flu.  As soon as he was on the mend, we had an ER visit for my daughter, which ended up in the conclusion that she had "some virus" which STILL didn't get better, and then we had her BACK at the doctor yesterday.  Good news - she seems to be feeling much better.  Bad news - my throat hurts. 

And, we did everything right!  We all had our flu shots, despite the urge to stay away because we all know how fun it is to take kids to THOSE doctor visits.  We all take vitamins one way or another, and we all try to incorporate healthy foods and healthy hand-washing habits.  

As of right now, I think I just have a cold, at least I really pray that's all I have.  My building has so many kids out with the flu, and our teachers have had TONS of absences, to the point that all of the rest of us teachers are helping to cover their classes EVERY DAY on our planning periods.  It's really, really bad. 

What does that mean for me on my health journey?  I had been doing really well easing my way back into exercise (most likely THAT story will be my next post!) and yesterday, I just didn't have it in me.  What that also meant was that I "ate my feelings" of sick and tired and stressed yesterday.  It was embarrassing.  Don't believe me?  A sonic trip of a burger AND boneless wings PLUS a piece of pizza, AAAAANNNNNDDDD...  how coincidental that we also just had our Girl Scout Cookies delivered.  And after all that food, I still had a hard time controlling myself to put down the Tagalongs (I'm sorry, now they are called "peanut butter patties") and I actually felt better. 

Of course, today, I feel bad for eating all that I did yesterday, and I definitely won't do that again today.  But I still feel bad, and I still have more Tagalongs. 

What is it that makes eating desserts feel so great?  The taste only lasts seconds, but the effects last much longer.  Why is our will power hiding when we feel sick, or tired, or stressed?  If I could only conquer those things, I feel like I could conquer the world!!!


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