64 Days To Go - Motivation Needed - If Interested, Please Call...

 Another ten day chunk down, and I can tell that I'm getting discouraged.  I haven't been logging into my Google Drive to make X marks on days that I'm doing things, or capturing pictures of myself exercising, or bringing any awesome stories of how I overcame a struggle or made a better choice, because my attitude has shifted.

Another 10 days gone by, and I pretty much just maintained where I was at the beginning.  At this point, I'm half a pound heavier than when I started this thing over a month ago.

Right now, I feel like this is a dreaded diet, that ugly four letter word, instead of feeling like I'm in a new lifestyle meant to increase my longevity and, oh yea, weight loss.

Right now, I feel like Garfield...

Here's the stats on the week:

30123456789Need for 10-day period
Meatless DietXX3 days
Exercise10102585total 130 minutes
No Chips/FriesXXXXXXXXevery day
Prayer/Pos. Affirms.XXXXXXXXXXevery day

At this point, I'm just trying to figure out what it'll take to make it happen.  I know that I still need to bump up not only the amount of exercise, but also the intensity.  This week was tough with an ankle/knee injury that is finally mostly better.  I just hate it.  I hate the whole thing - trying to fit exercise into my schedule, getting all sweaty and all the time to shower and often get ready all over again, and the whole time I'm doing it.  The only good thing about exercise is when it's finally over.  

I know that I also slacked on a meatless day and there were two days in a row that I ate chips.  Smothered in cheese.  Because I wanted to.  Because, again, I'm feeling like I can cure my emotional discouragement with food.  Which is stupid, because I know that I can't.  

I'm spiraling down and am trying to stop myself and put momentum in the right direction, but it's just HARD.  I know, I have to choose my HARD.  

Do you ever go through spells like this?  I know in my head that other people do, but sometimes, I feel like I'm alone in it anyway.  Isn't it crazy what your emotions can convince you of, even when your brain knows otherwise?  I guess it's just one of those things.  

Here's to the next ten days.  I hope they're better, because I don't want to see what things look like it they get worse.  I'm glad this is the point where my ADD is reading daily from the Bible or a professional development book - I think I need more in my life right now!!!

10 Day WindowADD:DROP:REPLACE with:
May 10 - 19Daily reading of the Bible and/or prof. dev. bookPastas & RiceSpaghetti squash & veggies


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