
Showing posts from February, 2017

Day 76 - I Have A Fever... And The Only Cure Is More Girl Scout Cookies

These last two weeks, our house has been a petri dish of nasty germs.  Living in a house where my husband and I are both teachers in different school systems, my son is in an elementary school, and my daughter goes to a daycare, means that we come home with four different sets of "gross" on a daily basis, so when one of us goes down, the others are likely to follow.  But this time has been different, because we've all been catching DIFFERENT things, which blows my mind.  Just when you think life is crazy, add something in like sickness and it shows you just how good you had it before when you were already complaining.  Keeping in that mindset of "someone else always has it worse than you do" I'm also reminded that "health is not valued until sickness comes."  To weeks ago, my got the flu.  As soon as he was on the mend, we had an ER visit for my daughter, which ended up in the conclusion that she had "some virus" which STILL didn

Day 65 - Which "ME" Do I Really Deserve?

I had a day today. Quite a day. The kind of day where you sleep too late, forget your breakfast, run late, come within 6 inches of getting creamed by another car who wasn't paying attention on her way onto the road, AND have really important things at work to take care of which ALL get knocked down a peg by having to drag (I literally mean drag) your sick Kindergartener to the doctor only to find out that he has the flu (even though you made SURE he had his vaccination) AND that the flu is so bad that it's infected his eye.  And 6-year old men are so independent when they're sick, that you'll surely be able to get a bunch of work done while he just peacefully watches cartoons and rests all day and, hey, you'll even get to work more on your blog, right?????  Hence, at the end of that long doctor's appointment, I had another left vs. right struggle in my brain, because I was already stopping at Sonic for a slush for my son's miserable throat, and I knew I wa

Day 57 - Understanding Habits As Neurological Cravings

I was in the airport this past summer and had quite a long time to kill waiting for delayed flights and upcoming long layovers, and decided to peruse the book store to pick something out to help me pass the time.  I came across Charles Duhigg's  The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And Business  and was instantly captivated.  I read half of the book during that trip, and as I returned to real life and my available reading time dwindled, I finally finished the book about a week ago and wanted to share what I've learned using several quotes from the book over a few different posts. I've always heard about bad habits, good habits, breaking habits, making new habits, but hadn't really thought that much about the fact that really, when it all boils down, my struggles with my weight are ALL because of habits.  Habits are technically defined as "the choices that all of us deliberately make at some point, and then stop thinking about but continue doing, oft