
Showing posts from May, 2017

64 Days To Go - Motivation Needed - If Interested, Please Call...

 Another ten day chunk down, and I can tell that I'm getting discouraged.  I haven't been logging into my Google Drive to make X marks on days that I'm doing things, or capturing pictures of myself exercising, or bringing any awesome stories of how I overcame a struggle or made a better choice, because my attitude has shifted. Another 10 days gone by, and I pretty much just maintained where I was at the beginning.  At this point, I'm half a pound heavier than when I started this thing over a month ago. Right now, I feel like this is a dreaded diet , that ugly four letter word, instead of feeling like I'm in a new lifestyle meant to increase my longevity and, oh yea, weight loss. Right now, I feel like Garfield... Here's the stats on the week: 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Need for 10-day period Meatless Diet X X 3 days Exercise 10 10 25 85 total 130 minutes No Chips/Fries X X X X X X X X every day Prayer/Pos. Affirms. X X X X X X X X X X every da