
Showing posts from March, 2017

Day 92 - The Plan To Kick Those Habits For Good

About a month ago, I started sharing what I'd learned from reading Charles Duhigg's  The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And Business mostly while sitting in the airport on my way to an amazing Beachbody conference.  I wanted to finish up my findings here in this post (see Day 57 for part 1).  I'll be including quotes from the book along with my paraphrasing and my personal comments... As a reminder, in part 1 of my little book review, I discussed how the core of the book is understanding the habit loop and then figuring out how to switch the routine.  "This process within our brains is a three step loop.  First, there is a  cue , a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use.  Then there is the  routine , which can be physical or mental or emotional.  Finally, there is a  reward , which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future."  So now that we understand why habit

Day 83 - How 10 Days Helped Get Me Off The Couch Again

As a friend of mine mentioned lately how hard it was to get re-energized to exercise, I tried to sit and think and come up with a solution.  I've had this challenge my whole life, and yes, once I got in a routine again I was fine, but I can't tell you how many times I'd start, on a mission, to get back into the swing of exercising again, and after a workout session or two, I stopped. Why? Anyone who's like me can understand the pain of working out really hard (okay, even working out "mediocrely" - I know it isn't a word, just made it up, haha) and then two days later you can't even bend to sit down without every fiber of your body screaming out in pain and/or giving out completely causing you to wobble and collapse at any given time.  Skinny, fit people who don't believe me - yes, this is a real thing. Anyway, I had a light bulb moment when I realized that one of the reasons that the 21 Day Fix workouts are so successful, is that it for